Begin by sitting on the floor with your feet out in front of you. Position hands slightly behind your shoulders with your finger tips pointing
Table Pose
Sit on the floor with your legs stretched straight out in front, sitting up tall out of the hips. Place palms on the floor by your hips with fingers
Simple Cross Leg Pose
Sit tall and balanced on the floor with your legs crossed. Keep spine long and shoulders soft. Raise your arms overhead and be as long as possible
Seated and Inverted ‘L’
Seated Position Sit on your sitting bones with legs outstretched and feet together. Reach away with your hells and keep toes pointed back
Pretzel with Eagle
From a seated position, bring the right leg underneath you, so that the right knee is at the midline of the body and the right heel is just outside
Kneeling Overhead Arms
Kneel on floor, knees together, feet spread to rest buttocks on floor. Sit up out of you hips, raise arms in front to shoulder height. Interlock
Kneeling Lateral Trunk Flexion
Begin on knees with ankles together; create a straight line from knees to shoulders. Stretch the left leg sideways keeping it in line with
Kneeling Back Bend
Kneel on floor, keep knees in line with hips – have heels outside buttocks with toes extended. Exhale and recline trunk back and rest elbows one at
Half Bridge (Holding Ankles)
Lie on your back and bend your knees, bringing your heels close to your buttocks. With your arms by your sides, take hold of your ankles. Keep