Divide the group into two teams. The aim of the game is to hit someone from the opposition team below the shoulders with a gator skin ball. When
Set up a square area with cones, about the size of half a basketball court. Place a gatorskin ball in the middle of the square (you may like to
Beat The Ball
The passing team begin passing the ball in a zigzag fashion up and down the line. Each time the ball returns to Player 1 a point is
General Coaching Points. Throwing activities aim to develop students’ ability to propel an object from the hand using efficient and correct
General Coaching Points. Passing activities develop student’s ability to throw an object accurately to a stationary or moving person. Participants
General Coaching Points. Kicking activities aim to develop students’ ability to propel an object by foot to a stationary or moving target,
General Coaching Points. Juggling aims to develop hand-eye coordination and is a specific extension of ball handling. It is a great way to notice
Exploration Activities
General Coaching Points. Initially allow students to participate in undirected play, where they can explore their abilities and what they can
Ball Handling
General Coaching Points Ball handling activities aim to develop students underlying ability to control and use balls. Touch, feel and awareness are