Divide the playing area into equal thirds – a netball court is ideal. The middle third is the neutral zone and each end is home base for each
Crocodile Net
Each student nominates two other students from the group and doesn’t tell anyone. One of the nominated students is their “crocodile” and the other
Divide the group into two teams. The aim of the game is to hit someone from the opposition team below the shoulders with a gator skin ball. When
Cooperation Game
The aim of this game is for a group of students to work cooperatively in moving a piece of equipment, as fast as they can, from one point to another,
Capture The Flag
Divide the group into two teams, each uses one half of the playing space as home base. Create a circle of cones 3m diameter inside each end of the
Builders And Bulldozers
Aim of this activity is to undertake the role of a builder or bulldozer and attempt to 'build', or 'bulldoze' the 'buildings' (cones) in an allocated
Set up a square area with cones, about the size of half a basketball court. Place a gatorskin ball in the middle of the square (you may like to
Beat The Ball
The passing team begin passing the ball in a zigzag fashion up and down the line. Each time the ball returns to Player 1 a point is
Aeroplanes and Airports
An area is marked out and filled with hoops, the Airports. The space should allow for free movement of the whole class. All the class are aeroplanes